Anhui Preda Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

--- Auto duct line, spiral tubeformer and relavant duct machines.

Super Auto Duct Line 5Auto Duct Line 5 UAuto Duct Line 5Auto Duct Line 4Auto Duct Line 3Auto Duct Line 2Cut to Length LineDuplex Flange FormerTDF Flange FormerTDC flange forming machinePittsburgh lock formerS cleat lock formerSnap lock formerRound duct lock formerLock forming machineDecoilerDuct Beading machineDuct slitter and beaderElectrical ShearerManual FolderPneumatic FolderAir seam lockerPortable seam lockerPower FastenerHydraulic seam lockerHydraulic GuillotinePneumatic Corner MaticsCNC Press BrakeDrive cleat benderSpiral tube former PD1602Spiral Tubeformer Mould Type PD1500Spiral Tubeformer Band TypeOvalizer Oval MachineHydraulic elbow making machineSpiral Duct LineHydraulic elbow makerElectric Gore lock machineCollar duct machinePlasma Cutting MachineElectrical Rolling MachineElectric Rotary GrooverRound duct welderAngle iron Flange LineAngle Iron RollingTiltable Power PressHeavy Rolling MachineSuper Auto Duct Line 5Duct Line U 5Duct Line 5Duct Line 4Duct Line 3Duct Line 2Cut to length LineAutomatic Duct LineDuplex TDF Flange MachineTDF Flange MachineTDC flange forming machineLock FormerDecoilerTDF Folding MachinePneumatic TDF Folding MachineBeading MachineSlitting MachineElectric Shearing MachineLock Seaming MachineElectric Lock SeamerCorner MaticsHydraulic CNC GuillotineHydraulic CNC Press BrakeSquare Duct MachinesMould Spiral TubeformerBand Spiral TubeformerOvalizerSpiral Tubeformerelbow makerElectric elbow makerElectric Rotary Beading MachinePunching MachinePlate Rolling MachineAngle Iron Rolling MachinePlasma Cutting MachineRound Duct MachinesPittsburgh Seam CloserElbow gore lock machineMessage & Free QuoteAbout UsAgents Wanted by PredaPreda Machine FactoryMachine Working VideoShipment VideosCompany NewsIndustrial News
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HVAC duct machines required for rectangular duct forming.

Issuing time:2021-08-16 10:17

First, it depends on your budget!

If with plenty money on hand for investment and you are looking to be a top duct manufacturer, you definitely need a full automatic duct forming lines.

But don't be panic on high investment, it is Year 2021 already. High tech doesn't cost that much any more...

You will need to invest on auto duct line 5!

Coil in and duct out....Just this simple....

You can make full wrap duct in and size, L piece in any size....In a word, any shape in any size....


Also a CNC plasma cutting machine is also a must, you will need to make irregular ducts,

and let the machine cut for you, rather calculate and cut with scissors...

CNC plasma cutting machine

If budget is limited, some basic duct machines would be just fine.

Needs some more manual works, but will do,

1. Pittsburgh lock former machine

2. TDF flange forming machine

3. TDF folder (manual or air driven)

4. Shearer

5. Beader (Not a must and mostly you want to have one)

6. Pittsburgh seam locker (Unless you are happy with the sound of hammer)

At last, there is a fact that I have to remind, even you got auto duct line 5, above mentioned basic duct machines are

still needed!

What a hurting fact....

Because you will need to make small duct, irregular duct and duct line cannot do such works at all.

Buy duct machines, buy from Preda Machine

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