Anhui Preda Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

--- Auto duct line, spiral tubeformer and relavant duct machines.

Super Auto Duct Line 5Auto Duct Line 5 UAuto Duct Line 5Auto Duct Line 4Auto Duct Line 3Auto Duct Line 2Cut to Length LineDuplex Flange FormerTDF Flange FormerTDC flange forming machinePittsburgh lock formerS cleat lock formerSnap lock formerRound duct lock formerLock forming machineDecoilerDuct Beading machineDuct slitter and beaderElectrical ShearerManual FolderPneumatic FolderAir seam lockerPortable seam lockerPower FastenerHydraulic seam lockerHydraulic GuillotinePneumatic Corner MaticsCNC Press BrakeDrive cleat benderSpiral tube former PD1602Spiral Tubeformer Mould Type PD1500Spiral Tubeformer Band TypeOvalizer Oval MachineHydraulic elbow making machineSpiral Duct LineHydraulic elbow makerElectric Gore lock machineCollar duct machinePlasma Cutting MachineElectrical Rolling MachineElectric Rotary GrooverRound duct welderAngle iron Flange LineAngle Iron RollingTiltable Power PressHeavy Rolling MachineSuper Auto Duct Line 5Duct Line U 5Duct Line 5Duct Line 4Duct Line 3Duct Line 2Cut to length LineAutomatic Duct LineDuplex TDF Flange MachineTDF Flange MachineTDC flange forming machineLock FormerDecoilerTDF Folding MachinePneumatic TDF Folding MachineBeading MachineSlitting MachineElectric Shearing MachineLock Seaming MachineElectric Lock SeamerCorner MaticsHydraulic CNC GuillotineHydraulic CNC Press BrakeSquare Duct MachinesMould Spiral TubeformerBand Spiral TubeformerOvalizerSpiral Tubeformerelbow makerElectric elbow makerElectric Rotary Beading MachinePunching MachinePlate Rolling MachineAngle Iron Rolling MachinePlasma Cutting MachineRound Duct MachinesPittsburgh Seam CloserElbow gore lock machineMessage & Free QuoteAbout UsAgents Wanted by PredaPreda Machine FactoryMachine Working VideoShipment VideosCompany NewsIndustrial News
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Electric Elbow making machine


Brief Introduction,

Elbow maker/ Elbow making machine is specially designed for elbow tube forming in both Elbow Pittsburgh and seaming.

This advanced Elbow making machine is 100% gear driven without belts at all!

It ensures good quality and much better durability!

Currently this has been the most advanced electric Elbow making machine version in the world already.

Of course hydraulic Elbow making machine is even more advanced, but price would rather expensive, far beyond affordable!


XMWT-A     Capable Diameter: 100-1000mm   Thickness:0.4-1.0mm

Power:1.5Kw   Rotary speed: 7r/min. Dimension:1450*700*930   weight: 400KG

Gorelockerelbow gorelockerelbow making machinegorelocker


Spiral Tube Forming Machines mainly include spiral tubeformer mould type, spiral tubeformer band type and ovalizer.

They are used for making HVAC spiral ducts and flat-oval ducts automaticly.

Spiral tubeformer mould typeSpiral tubeformer mould typespiral tubeformer mould type

For the spiral tubeformer mould type, Preda Machine designs it with mould heads to form spiral duct accurately!

Meanwhile the air tightness of the spiral ducts formed will be great as well!

Band type Spiral TubeformerBand type Spiral Tubeformer

spiral tubeformer band type

For the spiral tubeforme band type, this is a most cost efficient and easy handling machine for spiral duct forming process.

You can set any diameters as per your need with min. diameter of 85mm and no max. limits!

Ovalizer-oval duct machineOvalizer-oval duct machine


The Ovalizer transforms regular round spiral duct formed by spiral tubeformer into flat-oval ducts.

It is used for the ovalizer duct manufacturing.

After spiral duct,the ovalizer duct machine expands it into standard size,

with the character of good shape,high efficiency,easy operation.

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