Anhui Preda Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

--- Auto duct line, spiral tubeformer and relavant duct machines.

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Auto duct line 5 U shape

auto duct line 5 U shape

Brief Introduction,

Auto duct line 5 U shape adopts modular U shape design,

with several integrated flexible workstations.

Total length of the line is about 15mtrs.

auto duct line 5 U shape.jpg

u shape auto duct line 5.jpg

Basic Equipments For Auto Duct Line 5 U Shape,

1. Electric uncoiler(4 sets) driven by independent frequency controlled motor.

2. Multi-functional machine with capability of levelling,grooving,angle shearing and plate shearing

3. Multi-functional Pittsburgh machine

4. Servo-controlled material transporting table

5. Dual TDF flange forming machine

6. Hydraulic press brake

7. Computer controlling system and softwares.

8. Electric box

Auto duct production line 5 U shape.jpg

Characteristics for auto duct line 5 U shape,

1. Optimized U shape structure makes the whole auto duct line beautiful in appearance and fast in production

2. 11 rollers are equipped for levelling to make sure plate gets even.

3. This machine is a material-saving facility with only less than 20mm wasted plates per roll.

4. Highly advanced servo system controls the whole production line very well so the products produced are perfect in appearance and precise in size.

5. One man is capable to handle the whole auto duct line

6. Workpieces counting system to count for one-day and accumulated quantities.

Auto duct line 5 U shape.jpgauto duct line 5 U shape

Specification for auto duct line 5 U shape,

ModelPlate Thickness (mm)

Max. Plate   

Width   (mm)

Speed (mm/min)Weight   (Kg)Dimension (L×W×H,   mm)

More auto duct production line 5 U shapeauto duct line 5 U shapeauto duct line 5 U shapeauto duct line 5 U shapeauto duct line 5 U shape

Precautionsand trouble shooting solutions for air duct production line 5 U shape!
Before using the Preda Machine auto duct production line 5 U shape, you should read the instruction manual and other relevant materials carefully

in order to properly operate the auto ductproduction line 5 U shape, and pay attention to the following points:

(1) Machine tool operation and maintenance personnel must be professionals who have mastered the relevant machine tool before

with professional knowledge or technically trained personnel, and must operatethe machine tool in accordance with safe operating regulations;
(2) Non-professionals are not allowed to open the electric cabinet door.

Before opening the electric cabinet door, make sure that the main power switch of the machine tool is turned off.

Only professional maintenance personnel are allowed to open the cabinet door for power-onmaintenance,
(3) Except for some parameters that can be used by the user and can be changed, other system parameters,

spindle parameters, servoparameters, etc., cannot be modified by the user without permission,

otherwise the operator will be injured by equipment, workpieces, or other personal injury.
(4) After modifying the parameters, before the first processing is performed, no-load test operation without loading the raw materials is required.

After confirming that the auto duct production line 5 is all running well, the raw materials can then be loaded and used for production;
(5) The PLC program of the machine tool is designed by Preda Machine according to the needs of the
auto duct production line 5

and does not need to be modified.

Incorrect modification, operation of the machine tool may cause damage to the machine tool and even hurt the operator;
(6) If the continuous running time of the machineis too long, it will affect the life of the electrical system

and some mechanical components, which will affect the accuracy of the auto duct production line 5 U shape.

It is recommended that the continuous working time does not exceed 8 hours.
(7) All connectors, joints, etc. of the Preda Machine auto duct production line are not allowed to be unplugged or plugged inunder power,

otherwise serious consequences will be caused.

auto duct line 5 U shapeauto duct line 5 U shapeu shape auto duct line 5.jpgauto duct line 5 U typeauto duct line 5 U shapeauto duct line 5 U shapeauto duct line 5 U shapeauto duct line 5 U shape

Duct line U 5

Duct Line 5 U shape.jpg

Brief Introduction,

Automatic Square Duct Forming Line 5 U shape adopts modular U shape design,

with several integrated flexible workstations.

Total length of the line is about 15mtrs.


Basic Equipments,

1. Electric decoiler(4 sets) driven by independent frequency controlled motor.

2. Multi-functional machine with capability of levelling,grooving,angle shearing and plate shearing

3. Multi-functional Pittsburgh machine

4. Servo-controlled material transporting table

5. Dual TDF flange forming machine

6. Hydraulic press brake

7. Computer controlling system and softwares.

8. Electric box

DUCT LINE 5 U accessories


1. Optimized U shape structure makes the whole line beautiful in appearance and fast in production

2. 11 rollers are equipped for levelling to make sure plate gets even.

3. This machine is a material-saving facility with only less than 20mm wasted plates per roll.

4. Highly advanced servo system controls the whole production line very well so the products produced are perfect in appearance and precise in size.

5. One man is capable to handle the whole line

6. Workpieces counting system to count for one-day and accumulated quantities.

Duct Line 5 U


ModelPlate Thickness (mm)

Max. Plate  

Width  (mm)

Speed (mm/min)Weight  (Kg)Dimension (L×W×H,  mm)


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