普达机械U型5线全自动风管生产线性能特点; 功能:主要完成共板法兰/角钢法兰或C型法兰成型,日加工能力1000-2500平米,风管只要输入尺寸、生产线自动完成开卷、校平、压筋、冲角、剪切、联合咬口、共板法兰/脚钢法兰成型或C型法兰成型、折方成型。 U型5线全自动风管生产线主要进口配置 1.北京华德+台湾液压系统 2.德国西门子系统 3.台湾上银(HWIN)直线导轨 4.施耐德电气系统 U型5线全自动风管生产线基本配置 2.托料架一个 3.主机一台(二线主机) 4.不锈钢滚筒式传送平台两个 5.固定式联合咬口机一台 6.双机联动共板法兰机一台 7.双机联动角钢法兰机一台 8.伺服送料平台一个 9.液压折方机一台 10.电脑控制系统一台 Basic Equipments, 1. Electric decoiler(4 sets) driven by independent frequency controlled motor. 2. Multi-functional machine with capability of levelling,grooving,angle shearing and plate shearing 3. Multi-functional Pittsburgh machine 4. Servo-controlled material transporting table 5. Dual TDF flange forming machine 6. Hydraulic press brake 7. Computer controlling system and softwares. 8. Electric box Characteristics, 1. Optimized U shape structure makes the whole line beautiful in appearance and fast in production 2. 11 rollers are equipped for levelling to make sure plate gets even. 3. This machine is a material-saving facility with only less than 20mm wasted plates per roll. 4. Highly advanced servo system controls the whole production line very well so the products produced are perfect in appearance and precise in size. 5. One man is capable to handle the whole line 6. Workpieces counting system to count for one-day and accumulated quantities. Specification,