Anhui Preda Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.

--- Auto duct line, spiral tubeformer and relavant duct machines.

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Product Detail

TDF Flange Forming Machine/TDF rollformer

Brand Preda
Model T-15
Stock 5SETS

TDF flange forming machine

Brief Introduction,

TDF flange forming machine/TDF rollformer, mainly used for making flange at edge of plate for further joint,

is also among basic equipments for modern duct forming line.

All bearings used are ball bearings rather than traditional needle bearings so the machine more durable.

All gears, axles and rollers equipped in the machineare made from high quality steel to ensure their stability and durability.

The flange shape made by the machine is nice and practical, which makes it a perfect part of duct forming line.

Our TDF rollformer has two version, T-12 capable of 1.2mm and T-15 capable of 1.5mm galvanized metal sheet.

T15 air duct flange machine HVAC ventilation equipment TDF flange machine

flange former 1

Product Description

TDF flange forming machine, mainly used for making flange at edge of plate for further joint, is also among basic equipments for modern duct forming line.

All bearings used are ball bearings rather than traditional needle bearings so the machine more durable.
The flange shape made by the machine is nice and practical, which makes it a perfect part of duct forming line.
Preda Machine TDF roll former has two version, T-12 capable of 1.2mm and T-15 capable of 1.5mm galvanized metal sheet.

Main Features

T-12 is capable of maximum 1.2mm(18Ga) galvanized steel sheet while T-15 is capable of 1.5mm(16Ga) galvanized steel sheet or 1.0mm(20Ga) stainless steel sheet.
Preda Machine provides rollers and axles changing the whole life time of the machine.


Power (kW)

Sheet thickness (mm)


Weight (kg)

Dimension L*W*H (mm)












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TDF flange former 2

TDF flange former 5

TDF flange former 4

T15flange former 4

T15flange former 2

More About Duct TDF Flange Forming Machine

In the TDF flange duct industry, the TDF flange forming machine is an indispensable equipment. Preda Machine   TDF flange roll forming machine is made of high quality T12 45# steel or T15 GCr15 steel, it has good properties, high contact fatigue strength, good dimensional stability and corrosion resistance. After quenching and tempering, it has high hardness, uniform structure, good wear resistance and high contact fatigue performance. Preda Machine TDF flange roll forming machine has 2.2kw and 3kw power, high power makes the forming of thicker plates better!

Preda TDF flange forming Machine can produce effective duct flange and duct g clamp. They will make the ducts of different lengths fit very well and can be assembled into a very long duct.

About the maintenance of the TDF flange forming machine, the HVAC duct manufacturer also needs to pay attention. Usually, the iron removal on the TDF flange forming machine should be mentioned, and the lubricating oil should be regularly applied to the working roller wheels of the tdf flange machine to avoid the rust of the wheel due to long-term wear. If the flange machine has abnormal noise after a long time of operation, it is necessary to check whether the bearing is damaged or not, and replace the bearing in time. Preda TDF flange forming machine will be a good choice for the production of air ducts, affordable, and delivery by container cost is more cheaper.


ModelPower (Kw)

Plate Thickness


ShapeSize (mm)Weight (Kg)Dimension (L×W×H, mm)

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